I've got a new Blogger client for my phone, so I'm hoping this post comes out okay.

Last night being Bonfire Night, we went to a fireworks display put on by a local charitable organisation called the Beverley Lions. They do it every year on the Westwood, a historic common pasture on the edge of town, and every year I'm surprised by how good they are (and how busy it is!).

The bonfire was lit by the time we got there, and we just had enough time to queue for some chips (which were really good) before the display starts with a BIG bang.

They were stunning, so naturally i tried to take some pictures, and naturally they came out really badly. But don't take my word for it, judge for yourself!

Comments (4)

On 8 November 2010 at 17:10 , Anonymous said...

Lob konnichiwa!
I`m so happy coz you loves japan.
let follow each other!

On 8 November 2010 at 23:32 , Rob said...

よろしくくでさいおびわんーさん、ありがとうございます! Thanks Obiwan, pleased to meet you! I hope my Japanese is ok, I'm still learning...
I love your blog - so stylish!

On 9 November 2010 at 01:49 , Anonymous said...

your Japanese is ok!
thanks for fllow me.

plobrem is my broken english lol
I always welcome to visit my page like your jentle responce.ありがとう!

On 9 November 2010 at 03:14 , Rob said...

Your English is great – much better than my Japanese. Let's help each other learn!